Funding Scheme for Scientific Research and Innovation
Application Period (Type A): 22 March to 22 April 2024
Application Period (Type B): 22 March to 22 April 2024
Application Period (Type C): 2 May to 31 May 2024

Important notice : The signed application and relevant attachments must be submitted to the Fund before the deadline (during office hours).​​

I.        Objectives
To align with the policy address of the Government of the Macao Special Administrative Region, the Science and Technology Development Fund (hereinafter referred to as the “FDCT”) has launched the Funding Scheme for Scientific Research and Innovation (hereinafter referred to as the “Scheme”) in accordance with the relevant provisions of the current Public Financial Aid System of the Macao Special Administrative Region, the Statutes of the Fund for the Development of Science and Technology, and the Funding Regulations of the Science and Technology Development Fund.The Scheme aims to assist local research institutions and researchers in launching all kinds of in-depth research projects, continue enhancing the scientific research strength and cutting-edge original innovation ability in Macao, and maintain the leading position of Macao’s dominant discipline. Besides, it also promotes the industry-university-research partnership, facilitates the production of application-based research findings, and improves the contribution of scientific and technological innovation to social and economic development in Macao.

II.      Types of Application
Projects are divided into three types base on applied amount:
1.    Type A: for research projects conducive to enhancing scientific research strength and cutting-edge original innovation ability, with funding amount applied not exceeding MOP 3,000,000.
2.    Type B: for research projects with application-oriented scientific research findings, with funding amount applied not exceeding MOP 3,000,000;
3.    Type C: for research projects that help solve technical needs of enterprises listed in the Application Guideline, with funding amount exceeding MOP 3,000,000, but not exceeding MOP 5,000,000.

III.     Target Group and Eligibility for Application
Entities that fulfill any of the following conditions are eligible to submit application:
1.    Local higher education institutions under the supervision of the Macao SAR Government.
2.    Private non-profit organizations registered in the Macao SAR.
3.    Researchers engaged in R&D activities in the Macao SAR.
IV.     Type and Scope of Funding
1.    The funding type of the Scheme is non-reimbursable.
2.    Funding scope: The proposed project shall be in line with the purpose of FDCT and the objectives of the Scheme.
3.    Funding Priorities:
1) To facilitate the industry-university-research collaboration in Macao, priority goes to Types B and C in case of limited budget.
2) For Types B and C, priority goes to the research projects that align with the Second Five-Year Plan for Economic and Social Development of the Macao Special Administrative Region (2021-2025), the Development Plan for Appropriate Economic Diversification of the Macao Special Administrative Region (2024-2028), the Policy Address for the Fiscal Year 2024, and related planning and programs of Guangdong-Macao In-Depth Cooperation Zone in Hengqin, etc., especially those that can promote scientific research and industrial development in the fields such as Chinese medicine, integrated circuits, electronic components, Internet of Things, big data, artificial intelligence, new energy, space science, advanced materials and biomedicine.
3) Priority goes to partnerships with enterprises in Macao or Hengqin, especially those that have been certified under the Technology Enterprises Certification Program by the Economic and Technological Development Bureau (DSEDT).

V.      Self-owned Investment
1.    For Types A and B: in case of collaboration with a commercial entrepreneur or commercial enterprise, such commercial entrepreneur or commercial enterprise shall provide the self-owned funds no less than 10% of the amount funded by FDCT.
2.    For Type C: the project shall be implemented in collaboration with a commercial entrepreneur or a commercial enterprise, such commercial entrepreneur or commercial enterprise shall provide the self-owned funds no less than the amount funded by FDCT.

VI.     Funding Duration
The Scheme has a maximum funding duration of three years.

VII.   Requirements for Project Findings
1.   For Type A, the expected project findings, not limited to academic or applied research findings, may include papers, monographs, research (consultation) reports, patents, talent cultivation, software, hardware (prototype, mock-up), technical standards, formulas, new materials, new technologies, etc.
2.  For Types B and C, the expected project findings shall include software, hardware (prototype, mock-up), technical standards, formulas, new materials, new technologies, etc., and specify the potential economic or social benefits after the utilization of the project; upon project conclusion, the expected TRL of the Type B projects shall be TRL 4 or above, and the expected TRL of the Type C projects shall be TRL 5 or above.

VIII.  Application Procedure
Application must be submitted via the FDCT – Project Funding Online Application System.
For more details, please refer to the page of Account Registration.
1.   Applying entities having electronic signatures shall submit the application documents through the Online Application System of FDCT;
2.  In addition to submitting the application documents through the Online Application System of FDCT, applying entities not having electronic signatures shall download the application documents and submit them to FDCT after affixing signatures and seals on or before the deadline.
IX.     Assessment Methods and Criteria
1.    Before accepting an application, the Administrative Committee of FDCT shall invite five to seven advisors from the list of project advisors to form the Project Advisory Committee.
2.    The application documents that may enter the review process will be submitted to the Project Advisory Committee formed by FDCT for review according to the review elements and criteria in the following paragraph.
3.    Key considerations will be given to the followings:
       1)   Competence of the applying entity, including: R&D team and research basis, qualifications and quantity of team members, research conditions, and cooperative research.
       2)   Project planning, including: assessment of work plan, soundness of budget, and project feasibility.
4.    For Type A, it shall also consider the scientific value and cutting edge, including innovativeness and cutting edge, research findings and academic value, and assessment of research methods.
5.    For Type B, it shall also consider the assessment of technologies and research findings, including technical level, application prospect, and real-life application.
    FDCT may conduct site inspection to verify the research conditions of the applying entity, interview with the project team and partners (if any) as necessary.

Funding Scheme for Scientific Research and Innovation (2024) Download
Funding Scheme for Scientific Research and Innovation - Application Guidelines for Projects Type C (2024) Download
Declaration for Opening an Account in the Application System for Scientific Research Project Funding Download
School/Association/Institution Project Managers Registration Form Download
Bank Account Information Form Download
Application Form for Changes in Scientific Research Projects Download
Science and Technology Development Fund Guidelines on Agreed-Upon Procedures for Scientific Research Projects (for projects funded since 2023) Download
General Guidelines for Project Management of the Science and Technology Development Fund of the Macao Special Administrative Region (March 2024) Download
Science and Technology Development Fund Agreed-upon Procedures Report Template (for projects funded since 2023) Download

Download for the Past Content:
Funding Scheme for Scientific Research and Innovation (Applicable to projects applied in 2023) Download
Funding Scheme for Scientific Research and Innovation - Application Guidelines for Projects Type A (1st Round of 2023) Download
Funding Scheme for Scientific Research and Innovation - Application Guidelines for Projects Type A (2nd Round of 2023) Download
Funding Scheme for Scientific Research and Innovation - Application Guidelines for Projects Type A (3rd Round of 2023) Download
Funding Scheme for Scientific Research and Innovation - Application Guidelines for Projects Type B (1st Round of 2023) Download
Funding Scheme for Scientific Research and Innovation - Application Guidelines for Projects Type B (2nd Round of 2023) Download
Funding Scheme for Scientific Research and Innovation - Application Guidelines for Projects Type B (3rd Round of 2023) Download
Funding Scheme for Scientific Research and Innovation - Application Guidelines for Projects Type C (2023) Download
Funding Scheme for Scientific Research and Innovation - Application Guidelines for Projects Type C Attachment 1 “Technical Requirements Category” (2023) Download
Funding Scheme for Scientific Research and Innovation - Application Guidelines for Projects Type C Attachment 2 “Application Development Category” (2023) Download
Office address: Avenida do Infante D. Henrique, No. 43-53A, Macau Square, 8th Floor, Unit C and 11th Floor, Unit K, Macao (To apply for project funding, please go to 11th Floor, Unit K)
Office hours: Monday to Thursday: 9:00-13:00, 14:30-17:45;Friday: 9:00-13:00, 14:30-17:30;Tel.: 28788777
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