National S&T Award
In order to recognize individuals and organizations who have made remarkable contributions in the field of scientific and technological advancement, the State Council has established the following five State Awards:
  1. The State Preeminent Science and Technology Award;
  2. The State Natural Science Award;
  3. The State Technological Invention Award;
  4. The State Scientific and Technological Progress Award;
  5. The International Science and Technology Cooperation Award of the People’s Republic of China. 
The Ministry of Science and Technology of the People’s Republic of China is responsible for organizing the evaluation of the State Science and Technology Awards, while the National Office for Science and Technology Awards under its jurisdiction, is responsible for the daily operations.

On 12 March, 2008, the Chief Executive of the Macao Special Administrative Region (SAR) issued the dispatch approving the Science and Technology Development Fund (FDCT) to serve as the daily operational institution responsible for nominating the State Science and Technology Awards in the Macao SAR. In the future, the daily affairs related to the five categories of the State Science and Technology Awards in the Macao SAR shall be administered by the FDCT.
● General provisions
Candidates nominated by the Macao SAR government for the State Preeminent Science and Technology Award shall be Chinese citizens who have made major breakthroughs at the forefront, have significant contributions, or have created significant benefits in terms of the scientific and technological innovation, the transformation of scientific and technological achievements as well as industrialization.

Candidates nominated by the Macao SAR government for the State Natural Science Award, the State Technological Invention Award, and the State Scientific and Technological Progress Award shall have made creative and outstanding contributions in scientific discoveries, technological inventions, and the promotion of scientific and technological progress. They should also meet the conditions stipulated in the “Regulations on State Science and Technology Awards” and the “Supplementary Explanation on Foreigners as Candidates for the State Natural Science Award, the State Technological Invention Award, and the National Science and Technology Progress Award” for being Macao SAR residents, or Chinese citizens and foreign nationals who have engaged in scientific research in the Macao SAR.

Candidates nominated by the Macao SAR government for the International Science and Technology Cooperation Award of the People’s Republic of China shall be foreigners or foreign organizations who have worked in the Macao SAR, or have made significant contributions to the scientific and technological field of the Macao SAR.

Candidates (projects) nominated by the Macao SAR government for the National Science and Technology Awards shall carry out and complete their primary scientific research and technological development activities in the Macao SAR. If the candidates collaborate with scholars outside the Macao SAR on scientific research and technological development, they must be in charge of the completion of the project.

The project(s) to be submitted must have won the Macao Science and Technology Award, or a second-class award or higher from the Mainland Provincial or Ministerial Science and Technology Awards.

● Specific Conditions
1. The State Preeminent Science and Technology Award is granted to the following Chinese citizens:
   (1) Having made significant breakthroughs in contemporary science and technology or having outstanding achievements in the development of science and technology;
   (2) Having made remarkable economic, social, ecological, or national security-related contributions in terms of scientific and technological innovation, transformation of scientific and technological achievements, and high-tech industrialization.
The State Preeminent Science and Technology Award is granted to a maximum of two winners each time.

2. The State Natural Science Award is granted to individuals who have elucidated natural phenomena, characteristics, as well as laws of nature through basic research and applied basic research, making significant scientific discoveries.
The above-mentioned significant scientific discoveries shall comply with the following conditions:
   (1) Not having been discovered or explained by predecessors;
   (2) Of great significant scientific value;
   (3) Well recognized by the natural science sector at home and abroad.
The representative papers (monographs) are required to have been publicly published for at least 3 years (before 31 December, 2020).

3. The National Technology Invention Award is granted to individuals who have made significant technical inventions such as products, crafts, materials, devices and systems using scientific and technological knowledge.
The above-mentioned significant technical inventions shall meet the following conditions:
   (1) Not having been discovered or explained by predecessors;
   (2) Of advanced, creative and practical value;
   (3) Having achieved significant economic, social, ecological, or national security-related benefits after implementation, in addition to having good application prospects.
The overall technical application of the project(s) is required to have been implemented at least 3 years (before 31 December, 2020).

4. The State Scientific and Technological Progress Award is granted to individuals or organizations that have completed and applied innovative scientific and technological achievements, as well as have made outstanding contributions to the advancement of science and technology together with economic and social development.
The above-mentioned innovative scientific and technological achievements shall fulfil the following conditions:
   (1) Having outstanding technological innovation and advanced technological and economic indicators;
   (2) Having achieved significant economic, social, ecological, or national security related benefits through application and promotion;
   (3) Having made significant contributions to the advancement in the industry of science and technology.
The overall technical application of the project(s) is required to have been implemented at least 3 years (before 31 December, 2020).

5. The International Science and Technology Cooperation Award of the People’s Republic of China is granted to the following foreigners or foreign organizations who have made important contributions to China’s scientific and technological field:
   (1) Having made significant scientific and technological achievements in collaboration with Chinese citizens or organizations on research and development;
   (2) Having made particularly remarkable accomplishments in imparting advanced scientific and technological knowledge, as well as cultivating talents to Chinese citizens or organizations;
   (3) Having made important contributions to promoting international scientific and technological exchanges and cooperation between China and foreign countries.

Application Procedure
Individuals or organizations that meet the application criteria shall carefully fill out the nomination form according to the relevant award category as specified in the notice and the “Guidelines for the Recommendation of National Science and Technology Awards”, which are issued by the National Office for Science and Technology Awards;

After the review and selection by the respective units, a public announcement period of no less than 5 days should be conducted. After the public announcement period, should there be no objections or should there be any objections raised and subsequently resolved within the specified time, the recommendations shall be submitted to the FDCT. Individual applications shall not be accepted;

Each unit shall recommend a maximum of two awards in each category.

Agenda for the Nomination
Date Items
13 to 21 December 2023
The Macao SAR receives recommendations for State Science and Technology Awards.
Before 12 January 2024
The FDCT website announces the draft list of nominations.
Before 16 January 2024
The FDCT website publishes the announcement and confirms the finalized list of nominations.
Before 14:00 on 17 January 2024#
Complete online submission.
Before 19 January 2024#
Submit the required written materials.
#In case of any change of the above agenda, the announcement made by the National Office for Science and Technology Awards shall prevail.
Regulations on State Science and Technology Awards
Implementation Rules on the Regulations on State Science and Technology Awards
Nomination Procedures for State Science and Technology Awards in the Macao SAR
2023 Application Announcement for State Science and Technology Awards
2023 Nomination Handbook for State Science and Technology Awards (with Nomination Form)
Office address: Avenida do Infante D. Henrique, No. 43-53A, Macau Square, 8th Floor, Unit C and 11th Floor, Unit K, Macao (To apply for project funding, please go to 11th Floor, Unit K)
Office hours: Monday to Thursday: 9:00-13:00, 14:30-17:45;Friday: 9:00-13:00, 14:30-17:30;Tel.: 28788777
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