Science Popularization Activity FAQ
1. What science popularization activities are conducted by the Science and Technology Fund?The science popularization activities conducted by the Science and Technology Fund include science popularization visits, summer camps, study group tours and lectures. The target participants include students, teachers, and members of science and technology societies. Of these activities, science popularization summer camps, in particular, provide students with a wider scientific environment and inspire students’ interest to explore science and go on to cultivate students' spirit to “love science, study science and use science”.2. How do people participate in science popularization activities?Those who intend to participate in Students’ science popularization summer camps and teachers’ study tour groups can get registered, generally speaking, through recommendation of their schools. For activities such as lectures and seminars, the relevant registration details will be announced through websites and Facebook.3. When are science popularization activities conducted?Activities of students’ science popularization camps and teachers’ study tours are usually conducted in July. Lectures, seminars and other activities are held irregularly according to the interest of the society in the scientific topics.4. How do people obtain news about science popularization activities?Please pay attention to the webpage and the science popularization activity Facebook page of the Science and Technology Fund.
Office address: Avenida do Infante D. Henrique, No. 43-53A, Macau Square, 8th Floor, Unit C and 11th Floor, Unit K, Macao (To apply for project funding, please go to 11th Floor, Unit K)
Office hours: Monday to Thursday: 9:00-13:00, 14:30-17:45;Friday: 9:00-13:00, 14:30-17:30;Tel.: 28788777
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