Science Popularization Project FAQ
一、Questions on application:

1. What is the nature of the science popularization projects funded by the FDCT?The science popularization projects funded by the FDCT are science popularization and educational projects conducted in the form of small groups as extracurricular activities.2.What type of projects, i.e., what subjects, are eligible to propose an application? Should it be a highly advanced subject?A science popularization project does not necessarily require a highly advanced subject. Any science popularization contents will be accepted as long as they foster the spirit to “love science, study science, and use science”. The required subjects may be mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology, geography, computers, engineering, robotics and other science popularization projects such as astronomy, integrated science and so on. However, the FDCT does not provide funds for projects carried out in the form of tutoring (including supplementary education to prepare for entrance examinations).3. What documents are required for application?The relevant documents can be downloaded from the website of the FDCT and can also be collected personally in our office.4.If an applying entity does not have a teacher specialized in the relevant subject, can a teacher or even a college student be employed from outside to conduct the teaching?The applying entity may employ, in accordance with the teaching contents of the project, experts with relevant professional qualifications or college students to conduct the teaching.5.Do applicants need to apply in person?The application must be signed by the legal representative of the applying entity and the application materials can be submitted by the applicant either in person or by proxy.6. What are the precautions for applying for funds?A. The contents and amount of the application must be filled in according to the categories of machines and equipment, consumable materials, reference books and materials, teachers’ (mentors’) allowances and other aspects.B. The FDCT believes that it is not necessary to use the most advanced or most expensive equipment to teach students/trainees knowledge of popular science, so the FDCT encourages purchase of affordable equipment for teaching.7.Are there rules imposed by the FDCT for class schedule and duration, and daily or weekly upper limits? Can classes be scheduled at noon and late at night?A. The upper limit of the teachers’ teaching time in science popularization projects is 22 hours per month. Only the class time is calculated and the time for preparation is not;B. Each science popularization teacher can receive a maximum of 10 months' teacher’s allowance each year. The monthly upper limit is 22 hours, which means that up to 220 hours’ allowance can be received each year;C. Teachers participating in the “Junior S&T Talents Training Program” can receive an additional allowance up to 10 hours per month, which means that they can receive up to 32 hours’ allowance per month;D.The FDCT does not agree to using meal time for science popularization study or making too long duration for it, and suggest to reserving at least one hour for meal break so that teachers and students can take a rest.8. At least how many students should be enrolled? Is there a percentage? How many teachers (mentors) are allowed to participate in each project?A.There must be at least five students participating in a school science popularization project; and at least five students participating in a science popularization project of an association. The participants must be residents of Macao.B.The teacher-student ratio is calculated at a minimum of 1:5, but there will be more requirements for the number of participants depending on the teaching contents.C.The aforesaid teacher-student ratio is the minimum requirement. The FDCT advocates that more students should participate in the projects and the applying entities should also consider the cost of the project for each student on average.D.The science popularization projects of the “Junior S&T Talents Training Program” are not subject to the teacher-student ratio of 1 to 5.9. How long does it take to examine and approve the application for a science popularization project?In general, a reply will be given within 2 months counting from receipt of the complete materials submitted by the applicant (only if the amount applied for is less than MOP 500,000).10.In case of insufficient time to wait for the reply of the FDCT, can the program be launched as scheduled, and can the relevant costs be reimbursed after the approval is given?A. The applying entity may launch the program as scheduled, but in the end, the approval of the grant is determined by the FDCT. The applying entity itself shall bear the relevant risks. Therefore, it is recommended that the application be submitted to the FDCT 2 months before the project is launched;B. All the reimbursement documents must be in conformity with the time limit specified in the Project Plan and documents that are out of the time limit will not be reimbursed.11. Can funding for the same project be applied for simultaneously to local institutions and/or to other institutions outside Macao??A.Yes. But the circumstances whether funding is also applied for to other institutions must be stated in the application. The FDCT will examine and approve the application based on specific circumstances.B.At the same time, in accordance with the provision of Article 15 of the “Financial Aid Grant Regulation”, expenditure eligible and actually supported by the FDCT cannot be financed by any other supporting program using public funds. 12. Can an applying entity apply for several science popularization projects at the same time? What are the rules?There is no limit on the number of science popularization projects simultaneously applied for by an applying entity and applications can be made at any time. However, the cumulative number of funded hours of each teacher (mentor) cannot exceed 22 hours per month.13.Can a science popularization activity of going out for a visit be funded?The FDCT does not fund a simple activity of going out for a visit. However, for a science popularization project with more than 30 teaching hours, to meet the teaching needs of the project, the admission, transportation and meal expenses for one visiting activity to the Pearl River Delta or to Hong Kong may be applied for, subject to the final decision made in accordance with the specific circumstances by the FDCT.14. What are the requirements for the three quotations submitted for machines and equipment?The requirements for the quotations of three suppliers have been specified in the Notice of Approval. If they cannot be submitted, a statement must be submitted for explanation.15.External teachers are not yet determined. What should be done?In the application, the case can be marked as pending. When submitting the Final Report, copies of the relevant persons’ identity documents and resumes must be submitted. The teachers employed must have relevant professional qualifications. 16.What application contents will not be funded by the FDCT?osts of photography services provided to the project by school teachers, costs of the applying entity for employing full-time teachers, event or competition registration fees, costs of applying for certificates, air ticket fees, etc.
二、Questions on funding:

1.How will the funding amount be paid?According to the specific circumstances of the project, the funding will be paid at a time or by installments. The project funding amount will be mainly transferred through the bank to the applying entity. All the applying entities must attach their bank account details when submitting the application (Contents that were previously submitted and have not been updated are excluded). 2.Is there an upper limit on the number of monthly teaching hours for a teacher (mentor)?The FDCT does not encourage over-intensive training. In general, the maximum teaching hours for a teacher (mentor) is 22 hours per month. 3. Can a teacher (mentor) obtain any allowance for preparation time?For teachers’ (mentors’) allowances, only the time for training and teaching with the students present is counted. 4. For a funded science popularization project, can the contents of the project or the proportion of various expenditures be adjusted without changing the total funding amount?Under the premise that the total funding amount is not changed, the applying entity may adjust by itself the use of the funds for each item in the following categories pursuant to the actual implementation of the project. However, the applying entity must report to the FDCT in a timely manner:A.Machines and equipment:15% of the total amount of the funding in this category or the sum which does not exceed $20,000.00, the minimum amount of whichever of the two shall be taken as the upper limit. An applying entity is not allowed to adjust by itself the aforesaid contents to the purchase not approved for funding in the original Grant Decision.B.Consumable materials:15% of the total amount of the funding in this category or the sum which does not exceed $20,000.00, the minimum amount of whichever of the two shall be taken as the upper limit. An applying entity is not allowed to adjust by itself the aforesaid contents to the purchase not approved for funding in the original Grant Decision.C. Reference books and materials:15% of the total amount of the funding in this category or the sum which does not exceed $3,000.00, the minimum amount of whichever of the two shall be taken as the upper limit. An applying entity is not allowed to adjust by itself the aforesaid contents to the purchase not approved for funding in the original Grant Decision.The rest of the adjustments (such as teaching contents, insufficient number of participating students, adjustment on teachers/mentors, or exceeding the aforesaid amount of self-adjustable funds, etc.) must be reported to the FDCT in advance. The relevant adjustments can be conducted only after approvals are obtained, otherwise the FDCT will not reimburse any of the related expenses.5. For a funded science popularization project, in case the cost for purchasing equipment has exceeded the limit approved by the FDCT, can the applying entity propose additional funds?When granting the funds, the FDCT has set in the grant document the upper limit of the funded amount for purchasing each item of the equipment. An applying entity cannot propose additional funds.6. Is the funded equipment owned by the FDCT or by the applying entity?A.Unless otherwise specified, general equipment purchased with funding (if any) is owned by the applying entity but must be clearly marked that it is funded by the Science and Technology Development Fund of the Macao Special Administrative Region.B.The applying entity must ensure that the equipment purchased with funding (if any) is continuously used after the completion of the project.7.If the admission situation differs from the original expectation, is it possible to go on with the project? What are the rules of the FDCT?A. The number of students participating in the project must reach the number expected in the program. If the number of students is insufficient, the case must be reported to the FDCT in advance. If the number of students participating in the project fails to meet the requirements in the original program or the student attendance rate is too low during the project period, the granted teachers’ (mentors’) allowances and other types of expenses shall be reduced proportionately. The deduction rates are as follows:I. The teacher’s (mentor’s) allowance will be deducted in full for a class in which the teacher-student ratio is lower than 1:5.II. For a class with half or less than half of the expected number of attending students, the teacher’s (mentor’s) allowance will be deducted proportionately. (i.e., the student attendance rate is 50%, and the teacher’s (mentor’s) allowance shall be calculated according to the rate of 50%).B.If the project needs to be postponed or failed to be carried out, the case must be reported to the FDCT in advance.三、Questions on the Final Report:
1.When is the Final Report submitted? What is the format of the Final Report?A. When is the Final Report submitted? What is the format of the Final Report?B.The Final Report can be downloaded from the FDCT website.C. An applying entity must submit the Annual and Final Reports on time. In case of failure of submitting the Reports on time, payment of the remaining funds shall be cancelled.2.Should photos be submitted along with the Concluding Report?The relevant photos must be saved in a disc. JPG file photos are recommended.3.In the Annual or Final Report, is it necessary to submit the original reimbursement documents?A.The relevant documents must be the original. If copies are submitted, the original documents must be shown for verification purpose.B. A packing list is not accepted for reimbursement.C. For each approved project, only the reimbursement documents dated from the date of submission of the application to the closing date of the program are acknowledged by the FDCT. Reimbursement documents outside the aforesaid period of time are not reimbursed. 4. How should the reimbursement documents in the Final Report be organized and summarized?A. When submitting the Final Report, an applying entity shall organize and summarize the relevant expenses and supporting documents in accordance with the contents of the funded expenditure listed in the Funding Notice for the FDCT to check.B. If copies of reimbursement documents are submitted, the original documents should be provided to the FDCT for verification purpose. After the Final Report is examined and approved, the original documents will be returned. All the reimbursement documents must be affixed to A4 paper to avoid being lost. 5. What is the format specification for the teachers’ (mentors’) allowance reimbursement documents?For all the expenses, receipts, including receipts of the teachers’ (mentors’) allowances signed by the persons in charge of the applying entities and stamped with the official seals of the applying entities, shall be submitted to be reimbursed according to the actual expenditure. Teachers’ (mentors’) allowance receipt vouchers can be requested from the FDCT. 6. What are the requirements for the student attendance forms?A.When submitting the Final Report, an applying entity must submit the student attendance forms signed by the students themselves. The relevant attendance forms must be signed by the project leader and stamped with the official seal of the applying entity.B. Participating teachers and mentors are required to fill in the attendance forms. Each attendance form must be filled in with the project number and name, teacher’s names, names of the participating students, the date and time of the class, signed by the teacher and the project leader and stamped with the official seal of the applying entity. The attendance time on the student attendance form must match the monthly work time on the teacher’s (mentor’s) receipt voucher.7. If the Final Report has not yet been submitted, can a similar new project be launched?A.If the applying entity fails to submit the Final Report and refund the balance (if any) on time, its future funding application may be affected.B. After an applying entity has submitted the Final Report, it can submit an application for a new science popularization project of the same type. The relevant Report will serve as a reference for the examination and approval of the new project.
Office address: Avenida do Infante D. Henrique, No. 43-53A, Macau Square, 8th Floor, Unit C and 11th Floor, Unit K, Macao (To apply for project funding, please go to 11th Floor, Unit K)
Office hours: Monday to Thursday: 9:00-13:00, 14:30-17:45;Friday: 9:00-13:00, 14:30-17:30;Tel.: 28788777
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