Student summer camp and teacher science popularization corps

Science popularization activities

1. Student summer camps and teacher study tours outside Macao

    The Science and Technology Development Fund (FDCT), which has been attaching importance to science popularization education and activities, has been holding summer camps and study tours of different themes among other science popularization activities in the hope of expanding students’and teachers’ horizons and improving their scientific literacy while nurturing their spirit of “loving, learning and using science ”. The following are major activities that FDCT holds every year.

    FDCT works with the Science and Technology Council every July to organize many student summer camps and teacher study tours for science popularization. Previous summer camps include a Beijing geology and geomorphology summer camp, a Shanghai total solar eclipse observation activity, a Yunnan plants study tour as well as a Hunan scientific exploration summer camp, a Nanjing radiocommunication summer camp in and a Dalian shipbuilding summer camp. The study tours held for teachers include a Xi'an study tour, a Yunnan geology and geomorphology study tour, and a study tour to eastern China. These events were attended by hundreds of students and teachers from Macao. The participants maintained that the activities had not only widened their horizons but also enhanced their patriotism. They believed the events could help facilitate the Macao’s science popularization education and nurture students’ love for the country and Macao.

     Apart from organizing the activities, the Fund also takes action to ensure the students learn as effectively as they can in the summer camps. Every year the organizer invites science popularization tutor volunteers to help the students with their living arrangments and guide them in doing practical experiments in the camp as group leaders. These measures allow students to fully grasp what’s taught throughout the activities, thereby improving their learning results in the end.

Students digging something in the Beijing geology and geomorphology science popularization summer camp

Physics demonstration in the Hunan scientific exploration summer camp

2. Science Popularization in Macao

FDCT funds many local summer camps launched by the University of Macau and Macau University of Science and Technology every year. The camps feature such interesting subjects as computer science exploration, wireless technology study, civil engineering, astronomy and lunar knowledge, the structure and functions of the human body and biomacromolecule.

3. Science Popularization Facebook Page

    FDCT opened its Facebook page as one more communication channel concerning science popularization, especially among students. The Fund hopes this will enable them to make quicker replies to students’ and teachers’ questions about FDCT’s activities and to increase their interaction and exchanges. Interested individuals are welcome to follow the page on Facebook.

Office address: Avenida do Infante D. Henrique, No. 43-53A, Macau Square, 8th Floor, Unit C and 11th Floor, Unit K, Macao (To apply for project funding, please go to 11th Floor, Unit K)
Office hours: Monday to Thursday: 9:00-13:00, 14:30-17:45;Friday: 9:00-13:00, 14:30-17:30;Tel.: 28788777
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