Announcement of the Preliminary Review Results of the Macao Science and Technology Award 2022
        With reference to the Administrative Regulations No. 6/2011 “Regulations on Science and Technology Awards”, the review of the Macao Science and Technology Award shall be conducted once every two years. Influenced by the COVID-19 epidemic, the review meeting of the Macao Science and Technology Award 2022 was held online from July 28 to 29. A total of 22 projects recommended for the Awards have been proposed after the voting, please see the announcement for the list of projects and introduction.

        According to the review procedures approved during the Preparatory Meeting of the Award Judging Committee (hereinafter referred to as the Committee) in April this year, the review meeting arranged oral defense for the top 8 projects of the Natural Science Award, 3 of the Technological Invention Award and 2 of the Science and Technology Progress Award in the preliminary review one by one. The remaining 32 projects that have not been selected for the oral defense were also briefly introduced by the staff of the Science and Technology Fund (FDCT) and discussed by the Committee. After strict deliberation and voting by the Committee, it is suggested that 11 Natural Science Awards including 6 Second Prizes and 5 Third Prizes; 6 Technological Invention Awards including 2 Second Prizes and 4 Third Prizes; 5 Science and Technology Progress Awards including 1 Second Prize and 4 Third Prizes, be awarded.

        The Committee believes that the implementation of the Science and Technology Award system has made gratifying achievements in creating a good social environment for encouraging innovation in Macao, supporting and guiding scientific research personnel to carry out research and development, and attracting young people to participate in scientific research. The system has provided an incentive mechanism for the increase of innovative wisdom and the surge of a large number of innovative talents, and has played a major role in the promotion of Macao’s scientific and technological development. The Committee indicated that through this review, they have witnessed the rapid growth of the scientific research teams in Macao, and the areas of advantage have also expanded to new materials, artificial intelligence and the Internet of Things. The standards of the Natural Science Award projects have been continuously improving, and more and more scientific research results are progressing towards the stage of invention or application. The next step will be to actively encourage research teams to deepen relevant research and accelerate the implementation process of scientific research results. In addition, the Committee also suggested to revising the “Regulations on Science and Technology Award”, putting more emphasis on applied research and the transformation of results, in order to meet the development needs of Macao in the new era.

        The chairman of this Award Judging Committee is Yang Wei, and the members include Joseph Sung Jao-Yiu, Hao Yue, Tsui Lap-Chee, Mei Hong, Huang Luqi, Eric Yeung Tsun Man, Yang Baofeng, Zhong Nanshan, Han Yingduo and Dai Qionghai. Before the Review Meeting, FDCT has carried out formality examination, peer expert review and the Committee’s preliminary review and other actions in accordance with the review procedures approved by the Committee.

        According to the aforementioned Administrative Regulation, after the recommendation list for the award has been announced, it will be submitted to the Chief Executive for approval, and then published in the Official Bulletin. The Award Ceremony of the Macao Science and Technology Awards is expected to be held in November this year.

The Award Judging Committee attended the review meeting of the Science and Technology Award
Office address: Avenida do Infante D. Henrique, No. 43-53A, Macau Square, 8th Floor, Unit C and 11th Floor, Unit K, Macao (To apply for project funding, please go to 11th Floor, Unit K)
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