Science Popularization Micro Video Competition
    The Science and Technology Development Fund started hosting the Science Popularization Micro Video Competition in 2019. The event, divided into open and student categories, aims to unleash the creativity of the general public and triggers their interest in science popularization. The competition also serves to promote the development of micro-video education and communication, spread scientific knowledge and spirit and deepen Macao’s science popularization efforts. Some excellent works will be screened on the Internet or inappropriate venues in the city. They may also be recommended for large science popularization micro-video competitions in mainland China, allowing their creators to learn something from these high-level contests for their continuous improvement in videomaking.
Office address: Avenida do Infante D. Henrique, No. 43-53A, Macau Square, 8th Floor, Unit C and 11th Floor, Unit K, Macao (To apply for project funding, please go to 11th Floor, Unit K)
Office hours: Monday to Thursday: 9:00-13:00, 14:30-17:45;Friday: 9:00-13:00, 14:30-17:30;Tel.: 28788777
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